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The Blog
Daringly Honest Thoughts About God, Life and People

Sep 13, 20135 min read
So You Want to Write a Book: A Reality Check for Aspiring Authors
Today I opened the mailbox and found my first royalty statement as a newly published author. I had no expectations for what it would...

Jun 20, 20132 min read
Why I’m Not Mad at God (Thoughts on Unemployment)
(This is a blog post from years ago, during an extended time of unemployment for my husband.) Yesterday. Rain, grey skies, and a phone...

May 24, 20132 min read
I Ran into Myself at the Psych Center Today
It was at the patients’ art show, where I saw myself, represented by one long, blue strand of yarn. “It’s called ‘Support Net,’” the art...

Apr 23, 20133 min read
To Self-Doubters Everywhere
Do you struggle with self-doubt? Does it take you by surprise when someone praises your work? And do you find yourself slipping back into...

Apr 12, 20132 min read
What Do You Do with Fifteen "Free Minutes?"
The other night I was waiting for dinner to finish cooking and realized I had fifteen unspoken-for minutes to do with as I chose. Too...
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