At times I’ve wondered why the Psalmist wrote that Got puts all our tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). I thought about it again recently, as a hidden heartache caused fresh tears to flow…. Is He really collecting these, one by one, and, for what?
Suddenly I saw in my mind’s eye Queen Lucy of Narnia and her cordial. I saw her bending lovingly to pour it on battle wounds.
“If …any of your friends are hurt, a few drops will restore them.”
That’s when what I’ve already known came back in a new light: my tears are for healing others who shed tears.
Can there be true ministry without pain? Can I “weep with those who weep” if I haven’t first wept alone? And how much healing can I offer anyone if I haven’t known hurt myself?
I don’t know, can’t know for sure, but I do wonder if this is why God is so fond of our tears. If this is why He saves every drop until such time for us to pour them out again.